"What if you are looking at it all wrong?"

I know that when the world is rapidly changing it can throw you off course.

I know how easily you can drop the ball, get discouraged, or feel hijacked and unsure during times of upheaval–no matter how accomplished or successful you were before 2020.

I also know that times of change present massive opportunities.


Because when things are in flux miraculous things can happen.

Flux makes the world more open to change. It makes people more open to new ideas. Amidst all the upheaval of 2020, we have had the opportunity to create new systems, new solutions, new ways to serve, and definitely new revenue streams.

But in order to fully claim these opportunities and run with them, you need to be grounded, clear and confident. You need absolute certainty about who you are and what you are building next.

You can't effectively build a prosperous empire when you are wobbling in a sea of uncertainty. You need to be diamond-clear on the essential truth of who you are.

When you are not clear it is painful, costly, and makes everything harder and more laborious than it needs to be.

This is why I created The Essential; to ease the struggle, relieve the stress and open the way to an exceptional year...

The Essential is an 8 week experience where we work closely together, 1-on-1, to answer the essential questions.

– Who am I?
– What is my purpose?
– What is my unique brilliance?
– Why am I here?
– How can I turn my present challenges into opportunities?
– How can I navigate with more certainty?
– How do I find the perfect flow in my life, my work or business?
– How can I achieve what I want (more success, more impact, more wealth), but without working longer hours and pushing harder?
– How can I claim a bigger place in the world?

You will emerge from The Essential feeling absolutely clear on your answers.

Not vaguely clear, not mostly clear, or clear-ish. Completely clear. Clarity like you have never experiences before. And this level of clarity makes every life and business decision so much simpler. You don't have to wonder or take wild guesses. You know.

    Love Philippa 

Let's make 2021 into a miraculous year.

The year in which the REAL YOU is revealed.

The year in which everything changes for the better.

The year in which you discover your TRUE purpose.

The year in which you unleash your power and leave "not knowing" behind.

What is included in The Essential?

One half-day virtual retreat with me.

Seven 1-1 sessions. 60-90 minutes each.

A proven pathway to getting clear answers to The Essential questions.

8 weeks of intuitive guidance, coaching, support and ongoing conversation.

Contact me as much as you 'd like with questions, ideas, and breakthroughs you want to discuss.

BONUS follow up session one month after completing The Essential.

The Essential is your invitation to deep dive, answer the big questions, gain a level of certainty that previously seemed impossible, and become the magnificent creature you were born to be.

What is it "worth" to know exactly who you are and what you are meant to do with your life and business? It's worth everything. And it changes everything. Your energy levels. Your impact on humanity. Your income. Your life. And the legacy you leave behind.

Investment: $10,000

Application Only

I work with a limited number of 1-on-1 clients each year.

If you are interested in The Essential please apply to share a little information about yourself and your business or profession.

I will review your application. You can expect a reply within 2-3 business days.

Praise from clients

"The work we have done together is paying of in so many amazing ways in life and in my work. It is such a gift. Thank you. I am finally really clear and positive about the future. You have contributed significantly to that, and I am so grateful to you. I feel like a fog has lifted and I can see more clearly and I can take steps with more grace and confidence." –Susan Neden, Victoria, Canada

"Philippa does not let you lose sight of your vision in those moments when you have doubts or fears. She is not afraid of my dark or my bigness. She opened the way to a big, bold beautiful business and helped me become stronger and more courageous. –Pam Haley, Virginia, USA

"Our sessions together opened my eyes to who I am deep down, to what I really want to achieve in my life and how I want my work to evolve. I was able to make clear and beautiful next steps." – Lyndall Mitchell, Melbourne, Australia

"Working with you is such a beautiful and profound experience. Your lightness of being and healing gifts have diminished old fears, dissolved blocks and breathed fresh air into my life and work." –Mindy Meiering, Colorado, USA

"Philippa has a unique blend of extraordinary gifts and talents that will open your eyes to your inner world, clear blocks, open doors, and help you step into your vision with grace. She will be with you every step of the way." –Bella Casarella, Florida, USA

2020 - Philippa Rowlands | All Rights Reserved